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Gemini Chat

Creator: onyxonewon

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Bot Information

Bot Info

  • Total Members 1 Quills



Gemini Chat is more than just a Discord bot - it’s your one-stop shop for exploring the wonders of AI. Chat with AI companions, lose yourself in AI-generated art and videos, and immerse yourself in AI-composed music. It even brings text to life through realistic speech, making conversations even more engaging.

Want Gemini Chat in your server? Simply use the “/respondtoall” command to bring it to life in a specific channel, making it available to everyone. For server-wide control, use “/dashboard” to access a treasure trove of settings you can customize. Prefer a more personal touch? Use “/settings” to fine-tune Gemini Chat’s personality to your liking.

List of commands:

/video (generates videos)

/imagine (generates images)

/music (generates music)

/settings (shows settings)

/dashboard (shows server wide dashboard)

/speech (turns text to speech)

/blacklist (stop a user from using the bot)

/whitelist (allow a user to use the bot who is blacklisted)

Misc. Info

  • Created on:

    September 08, 2024

  • Listing updated on:

    September 08, 2024

  • Prefix: /
