Clippy's icon


Creator: phxnkdxvil

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Bot Info



# Introducing Clippy, your server's ultimate sidekick!

> Why settle for multiple bots when Clippy has your back? Whether you're looking for moderation tools, music playback, or even some quirky and fun commands, Clippy's got it all covered. Manage your server effortlessly with a range of features that make you wonder why you had a million bots to do it all.

## Need to keep the peace?

> Clippy's moderation capabilities ensure a smooth and enjoyable environment for everyone if someone decides to be a pain.

## Want to liven things up?

> The music playback feature turns your voice chat from broing to a vibe in an instant. Ranging from personal, private servers, high audio quality is a given. There is a soundboard with an extensive list for those who do like a bit of chaos.

## What else?

> Highly customizable options? `✅`

> Reliable performance? `✅`

> Verified? `✅`

> Is it all free? `✅`

**So, say goodbye to bot clutter and hello to Clippy, your all-inclusive companion** [`🔥`]( )

Misc. Info

  • Created on:

    December 22, 2024

  • Listing updated on:

    December 22, 2024

  • Prefix: Slash Commands
